So where do you begin? Give me call and I will walk you through the process which is quick, easy- and painless! If you want to look ahead the steps below will give you the first course of action:
- Start with a brief phone conversation to discuss how I may help with your parenting needs and concerns you have for your child.
- If I’m a good fit for your child and family, schedule an initial appointment to begin the assessment process. During this first session I will meet with just the parent(s) to determine your child’s specific needs, developmental history, emotional- behavioral issues as well as your needs as a parent.
- The second appointment will be with your child to complete a one on one assessment with the counselor. During this session your child will be assessed for their specific challenges and strengths as well as their goals and point of view. Most children do very well in participating in this session as they are engaged in a casual conversation and age appropriate level of play such as a get to know you game or activity.
- After these first two sessions I will collaborate with parent(s) to develop initial goals and determine a plan of action that will be most effective in successfully reaching these goals.
For additional helpful information click on the links below:
Frequently Asked Questions
Rates and Insurance
Client Forms
Appointment Request